Our Story

You Need to Eat, Why Not Make Preparing It Fun!


Food preparation gives the cook power over what is prepared, at the desired nutritional level and how flavorous it is. Food preparation takes time, but time spent is reduced by having time-saving kitchen tools


Coming from a large family, I began preparing food at a young age, starting with peeling potatoes and carrots then advancing to baking Wacky Cake and cookies, and, when in junior high school, to preparing full meals. Skipping ahead to sixty-some years later, cooking and baking for others still pleases me.


The most vivid memory of my early baking experiences was proudly telling my Mom that I changed a recipe and the baked cookies were really good.  Being a sixth grader and telling her I did so by adding more vanilla to the chocolate chip cookie batter seemed to impress her.  She praised me knowing that the additional teaspoon of vanilla was of minor, if any, importance to the cookies' overall taste. Experimenting with new recipes or adding ingredients is fun, especially when using cooking and baking tools that make your efforts easier and more pleasurable. 


Shop Kitchen Basics’ goal is “To inspire, educate and equip people for a lifetime of cooking enjoyment through making available to those who like cooking, despise cooking or learning cooking, quality kitchen products at a fair price, recipes that are easy to make and flavorful to eat, and the cookware and bakeware to efficiently get the job done. 


Throughout this journey let’s learn from one another. What are your home-cooking wants and how can I help you fulfill them?  Contact me at  shopkitchenbasics23@gmail.net.